Wounds that Fail to Heal

Some nondescript wounds that would normally be expected to heal with no management whatsoever occasionally fail to heal and become ugly. Most often this is due to habronema infestation (summer sores). Fly control for these is key but some horses are particularly susceptible to the development of these lesions. Once established, the lesions can be […]


Henry presented to Reid & Associates Equine Clinic with an infected, non-healing wound of his withers. Our examination with radiographs and ultrasound showed that the withers bone and ligaments were involved requiring surgical debridement (removal of damaged tissue) and drainage. Following debridement surgery, reconstructive surgery was required to achieve closure of the wound and skin […]


Captain was diagnosed with severe gastric ulcers in the pyloric region of his stomach. He was aggressively treated with traditional ulcer medications for a few weeks with no improvement. He began hyperbaric oxygen treatments to increase the efficacy of antibiotics and provide intensive therapy to promote healing. Over the course of a month, Captain had […]

All Star

All Star presented with neck stiffness and the inability to lower his head, post an IM injection. After 12 hours of his 1st HBOT treatment, he was able to eat off the ground and bend his neck. He continued to receive daily treatments for 1 week. His neck pain resolved; however, he became ataxic in […]

Big Kahuna

Kahuna, a 185 lb adult female Loggerhead sea turtle found on August 22, 2010 with approximately 60% of her left front flipper missing and several other deep lacerations from a shark attack. Despite 9 months of rehabilitation and surgical repair, osteomyelitis (infection of the bone) and and septic arthritis persisted. She was aggressively treated for […]


CASERO presented for chronic wounds, also known as summer sores, on his left carpus. Despite wound management and attempted bandaging for several months, the wounds were not improving. Significant wound edge epithelialization and contraction was noted at every bandage change during his hyperbaric treatment period. He received a total of 24 treatments in the hyperbaric chamber. […]


CHURCHILL presented with a severe bilateral pleuropneumonia that had been present for seven days. He was treated aggressively for seven weeks with antibiotics and chest tube drains. Although he was improving, pleural and cranial mediastinal abscesses were not responding to antibiotic treatment and he become cachectic. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy was initiated along with continued medical treatment. […]


PROVIDENCE was diagnosed with acute right hind cellulitis/lymphangitis. His condition deteriorated despite aggressive treatment with ceftiofur, gentocin, anti-inflammatories, local hydrotherapy and physical therapy. The leg had profound swelling from the hoof extending proximal to the prepuce and ventral abdomen. The limb was diffusely wet from leaky serum. Providence was nearly non-weight bearing on the leg. Providence […]


Reid and Associates Equine Clinic had a horse referred with an unusual and grotesque presentation. “Ribo” we will call him to keep him anonymous, was admitted with a history of inability to eat or drink and a swollen tongue. The horse was examined and an x-ray performed of his head which revealed the presence of […]